Analog Lab can be used for composing, recording, playing and creating sounds. It's not for one thing only. But as it is for all tools, then it's how you use it. And it has limitations as you can't programme everything like you can with the individual applications. But it can make MULTIES even mixing different applications which you else can't in Arturias applications.
The PIANO, ORGAN, SYNTH and MULTI buttons make no sense to me. They are just annoying and introducing an extra step that interrupt the workflow.
Synths have piano and organ sounds. The pianos and organs have sounds that could be synth sounds as well. I would prefere those buttons was dropped. There is more sense in having each applications name on a list and add MULTI to this list. And this list should be visible with no need of using the 4 buttons first. The 4 buttons should go.
Also i would like attributes - instead of being toned down when there is nothing in the category - to only be visible when there is sounds in the category.
I personally like synth that sounds different and have a certain tone that define that synth. Then one can have an idea of the direction to look at, if you wan't a certain tone in the sound. Also if you wan't a certain behavior, you may know where it perhaps make most sense to look, if you know about the applications possibilities.
You have mentioned attributes. And yes you can use the different attributes (including banks), favorite marking and playlists. But that's for sounds you pick. The interesting part is, what about those sounds you have'nt picked, and that you also ask about.
Well perhaps you can remove sounds you know for certain you will not use at any time, if it's not Factory sounds.
You can take notes.
Otherwise it's about using your knowleadge about the applications sounds and possibilities like i wrote above.
Using your skills and knowleadge to create own sounds too can be easier, but perhaps it require the full applications.
You can experiment and explore sounds sometimes, when you don't do anything else.
You sometimes have something in your head to go by. But again that may require some knowleadge about which attributes and such a sounds perhaps have, and then sometimes you may find the attributes don't match anyway.
You can find an limited arsenal of sounds that define an overall sound you wan't and that match eachother. Sometimes you may shift arsenal or add or remove presets to excisting arsenal.
What else to do?
It's easy to get lost in lot's of presets. So choosing sounds and creating you own sounds can be quite important. Sometimes it's perhaps not the right sound you need here and now, and then it's perhaps better to compose, and then find sounds later on. Other times a preset may inspire you, but then you have found the sound - at least for a beginning.
It's also about what works best for you.
I don't know what kind of answers you exspect, but this is what i can do.