Since Arturia V does not have the resynthesis capabilities, what work arounds are people using to accomplish resynthesis, particularly the analysis of samples to create timeslice frames based on carrier+modulator?
There must be some way to analyze a sample at a given point in time and pull out the carrier harmonics needed to create that part of the sample additively. Well, what would be the easiest tool to use for doing this outside of the SynclavierV software?
Secondly, I'm presuming most people would likely have to do simple resynthesis using just the carrier and some fourier analysis. Is it wishing too much to be able to analyze a sample and extract carrier+modulator? I guess so but just asking. Resynthesizing with just Additive timeslices is one thing, but resynthesizing using at least some level of FM would be much more difficult to do in my mind, I am just wondering if there is any way to do it some what analytically with software... Using FM would open up interesting performance possibilities to tweak the modulator over time or with a controller, etc
SynclavierV is an amazing instrument I am blown away by it, even exactly as it is now, but I'm also extremely intrigued to do some resynthesis based on some sampled material, but I feel like I'm just taking wild guesses by drawing around on the carrier and modulator harmonics graphs.