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Author Topic: Any way to lower CPU load  (Read 16187 times)


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Any way to lower CPU load
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2007, 02:15:21 pm »
:D  :D  :D
Now we Understand your Arturia View.....
Enjoy the Products.....
Shut the Defamation of Arturia up...
You are not taking the Company down, or over.......


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Any way to lower CPU load
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2007, 04:08:51 pm »
You really don't understand, do you?

No, I don't have the time.  Between a graphics job I said I'd finish and a need to look as closely as I can at the music I'm making and how some of my inspirations work, I don't have time to grumble about anything but the dump-like environment of my apartment (for which only I am solely responsible).

Now we Understand your Arturia View.....
Enjoy the Products.....
Shut the Defamation of Arturia up...
You are not taking the Company down, or over.......

Exactly.  Ted, you've not responded to this thread to find solutions or look for the characteristically weird ways to make this admittedly imposing software work best, you're here looking for a soapbox---if not a fight.  Take your armchair revolution elsewhere and stick to the music.  We know what the problems are, and you're not making a single thing better doing what you've been doing here.  You're only making people not want to take seriously anything you have to say, or eventually even contribute.

This isn't going to help you, as we know who you are (or who your username says you are) and those of us that have become tired of dreading your visits don't exist solely on this board.

Please lighten up.

Ted Perlman

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Any way to lower CPU load
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2007, 11:13:36 pm »
Quote from: "slammah2012"
The "Ford" Foundation and the Carnegie Institute has done much more damage with  Pro Zionist / pro Central Banking stance than more of us can admit

Wow! Are you an Arturia employee?


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Any way to lower CPU load
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2007, 12:12:06 am »
See?  You're not even here to talk about instruments!  What good is any of this doing?  Can you answer me that?

Mr. Anxiety, sorry for being party to this thread going way off topic.  I wanted to confront this guy where other people could see it, and I'm sorry that it has to involve you and others.

Is this what all music forums are like?


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Any way to lower CPU load
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2007, 12:55:58 am »
Quote from: "overState2007"
Is this what all music forums are like?

Unfortunately, yes, quite often.

That partly explains why so few professional musicians use them. They're often able to stay out of things and get their information elsewhere, and many of them would rather avoid the day-to-day problem discussions that I and some others of us here get involved in. (Some of them have enough fights with their fellow band-members without going on-line for more. :D)

It's a problem. I've wondered myself whether to get involved in things on this site, but I've tried to sort through one or two things I'd have ignored if they'd taken place elsewhere, because I've felt the battles were worth it here.

I think Ted Perlman may possibly have some genuine reasons for his grievances, but I really don't know. I think you're right to say his personal grievances aren't really relevant to this site, and he could say it once, maybe, but then let it drop.

Any of us may have genuine grievances. I do, in fact, with one of the world's largest record companies. But I'm not about to say which one, or why, and I don't visit company related forums and talk about it there, because it's neither relevant nor helpful to other people.

Ted, if you do have a genuine grievance then I can sympathise from my own experiences, and I'm sure many of us could. But I think you've got the message across as much as you can, and your comments are clearly becoming counter-productive, which tends to harm you rather than Arturia.

Speaking more generally, people can be a disappointment. I'm always especially pleased when a musician I admire turns out to be a nice person as well, or if an instrument-maker - individual or company - turns out to be decent and responsive. But I think it's a bonus when that happens. People are often problematic, and personal encounters are always a risk because of that. A long-time musician once said to me that he'd realised he'd wasted far too much time and energy nursing hurts and grievances instead of just getting on with making music. I think that's an experience all of us can learn from.


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Any way to lower CPU load
« Reply #20 on: August 15, 2007, 01:35:13 am »
Quote from: "Ted Perlman"
Quote from: "slammah2012"
The "Fjord" Foundation and the Carnegie Institute has done much more damage with  Central Banking than more of us can admit

Wow! Are you a Cold Ham Sandwich?


I am not a Ham Sandwich....Bet that sounds tastey, doesnt it...


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Any way to lower CPU load
« Reply #21 on: August 15, 2007, 02:01:16 am »
Look everybody---a sane person!

I think you've saved me some time, buddy.  I've been a part of a few different 3D communities for years (being multicapable precedes bathing on occasion) and they're almost always a great place to get advice on stuff.  The forums are well-moderated and the only people responsible for supporting the community were the artists themselves.

Strange how the territory seems to change in music.  I remember reading the Prophet 5 "reviews" (the original) on Sonicstate.com.  There must have been over 30.  I found like two useful.  The rest were either old farts berating modern synths, music, etc, or kids posing as old farts doing the same thing, or kids who'd never owned one drooling on for well over 500 characters, sans punctuation of any kind.  It's like people are afraid (and I'm guilty of this too) that if one pull one's head out of one's ass, their abilities will dissolve and everybody else will steal their ideas.

True to a point....   Fuck it.  I've still got to teach myself Cubase SE.  I've been using Buzz for years (still do, to be honest).  Not a whole lot of people have heard my music and I want it to stay that way unless they see fit to show it to other people.  That way, what I put out is top notch, my "critics" are people whose opinions I trust and listen to my music for reason other than self-definition or ridicule-target-finding, and I don't get crazy thinking that the fact that people like or dislike my music somehow reflects on me as a person.

I've got all kinds of half-baked notions about the music industry that I'm not about to let go of yet, so I'll keep adding things to what I do until either I get comfortable going public with it, or someone convinces me it's a good idea.  But regardless of all of this, if a piece of unreliable software is capable of entirely halting my efforts, it only means that I'm overinvested and need to pull back to see what else I can do.

I've done and continue to do everything I possibly can to retain the sole responsibility for getting any satisfaction out of what I do in music.

So Ted, quit doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results despite evidence that it's not gonna happen soon, and look at buying another soft synth.  For god's sake, man.


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