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Author Topic: Send MIDI clock or notes from MIDI in to CV out?  (Read 1788 times)


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Send MIDI clock or notes from MIDI in to CV out?
« on: April 20, 2021, 02:21:59 pm »
Hey, I am looking for a way to use the cv outs in the keylab mkii to send a clock out to sync with volcas or pocket operators. I own a Roland jdxi and I am also building a zynthian box, so I could generate midi clock from both or even have a dummy midi track on a separate channel playing no sounds just to trigger the cv out.

I know beatsteps do that, but I wonder if there any workaround available so I could leverage the keylab outs in a similar way.



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Re: Send MIDI clock or notes from MIDI in to CV out?
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2021, 10:24:16 pm »
So I kind of figured it out. You can assign keylab's cv outs mod1 and mod2 to incoming MIDI messages, to I wrote a python script running on a raspberry pi to convert midi clock to cv and have the JDXi and the keylab connected to the RPi.

The python script could be running in any Mac or pc really, I just have the RPi because my setup is for live playing/jamming and I don't want to have laptop connected just for that.


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