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Author Topic: Recording mkii with DP 7  (Read 1218 times)


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Recording mkii with DP 7
« on: April 05, 2021, 01:29:29 am »
Hi there,
New to using the Arturia Minilab mk ii - so far have been using in Analog Lab 4.
We have Digital Performer 7 installed on our Mac at home which is what we normally use for recording (midi-input for my other keyboards). I want to record with the mk ii because of it’s great sound bank.
Have it set-up in DP to record, recognizes the track, records it, but cannot get it to play back the track!! Does anyone have any feedback on this or why the track is not playing back?? We’re sure it’s a setting issue but just cannot figure it out- TIA!


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Re: Recording mkii with DP 7
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2021, 04:36:05 pm »

A midi controller like Keylab MK2 has no onboard sounds or tracks. So i'm not sure, what you ask about.
You say you actually have recorded a midi track with Keylab MK2. But which soundsource does the track control in your DAW? Have you in example loaded a soundsource like Analog Lab as a plugin in Digital Performer? I don't have Digital Performaer, so i don't know how it works. I assume you shall have a instrument track.


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