my first keylab 61 MKii arrived with a clicky C1 key and had to be returned. Just before Christmas I received the replacement with no clicking keys, but it does have another issue. In DAW mode using Cubase it randomly switches to track 1. This can be while playing something on a different track or just while it is sat idle. Say I leave it on track 2, 3, 4 etc. it will randomly switch back to track 1.
I have done a full re-install of all software and updated the Keylab 61's firmware to the latest, and I have done a factory reset.
If I use the bank button on a Cubase song with more than 8 tracks it still randomly switches back to whatever track is auto assigned to the first slider?
It looks like I will have to return another one, but was hoping someone might have a solution as the keybed on this one is perfect.
Thank you for your help.