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Author Topic: Keylab MK2 - Daw integration  (Read 2671 times)


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Keylab MK2 - Daw integration
« on: December 15, 2020, 08:27:43 am »

I think my subject is a current one, but i did'nt achieved to find a solution.
I just received my Keylab Mk2, and I have an issue : I can't use the DAW mode (with cubase), because when I press by exemple the record button, or if I touch the faders or any other button, it sends a note signal. My faders are connected to the pitchbend and to a note signal, so when I push it it does an awful sound.

What did I missed ? Do I have to do something with the Midi Control Center ?

Thanks by advance and sorry for my english, I'm french


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Re: Keylab MK2 - Daw integration
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2020, 09:29:29 am »
Hi... I also use a Mk2 with Cubase.

It sounds like you have the KeyLab MIDI tick box checked under “In All Midi” in Studio Setup —> MIDI Ports.

Uncheck that box & it should work OK.


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Re: Keylab MK2 - Daw integration
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2020, 12:46:17 pm »
Thanks for the answer,
If I uncheck it, all the signals disappear, even from the keyboard, as if the controller was disconnected...


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Re: Keylab MK2 - Daw integration
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2020, 01:05:56 pm »
To be more precise :

the problem of the sliders making sound is solved when I uncheck "In all midi" for MIDIIN2 Key lab 61, but I still don't have the DAW control on the slider, or anywhere else. And if I uncheck "in all midi" for the keylab 61, all the signal disappear.


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Re: Keylab MK2 - Daw integration
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2020, 02:20:59 pm »
OK, it's hard to diagnose without seeing your setup but here are all the steps you need to do (including the obvious ones!):

1. In MCC, select Cubase as DAW
2. On KeyLab, select Cubase
3. In Cubase Studio Setup, MIDI Port Setup ensure the following for the 'in':

KeyLab mkll  Visible (x)   In 'All MIDI' (x)
MIDIIN2 (KeyLab mkll) Visible (x)   In 'All MIDI' (not checked)

For the 'out':

KeyLab mkll  Visible (x)
MIDIOUT (KeyLab mkll) Visible (x)

Add a Mackie Control (if you haven't already), select MIDIIN2 (KeyLab mkll) & MIDIOUT2 (KeyLab mkll) for the MIDI inputs & outputs & manually add the following:

F1 --- File --- Save
F2 ---Transport --- Activate Punch Out
F3 --- Transport --- Activate Metronome
F4 --- Edit --- Undo

4. Ensure DAW mode button on keyboard is selected

That's all the settings I have. Hopefully that will get things going for you.

« Last Edit: December 15, 2020, 02:23:38 pm by flyjat76 »


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Re: Keylab MK2 - Daw integration
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2020, 06:26:29 pm »
I'm having exactly the same issue as the original poster except with Logic Pro X. (v 10.6). Have gone through the steps here and have selected Logic as my DAW in MCC. Logic is selected as the DAW on the Keylab 61 mkII

Logic receives midi notes from the Keylab but that's about it - as Detordreur says, faders are connected to the pitch bend and make a screeching sound when they are moved. Transport controls send a note to Logic.

Did you manage to solve the issue Detordreur?

EDIT: solved - For some reason when Logic crashed yesterday it somehow deleted the Mackie Control in Control Surfaces Setup. Re-added it and now everything works as it should.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2020, 07:08:27 pm by jpodcaster »


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