I have been trying for a long time to work in my KL MkII with a few synths.
All I want to do is the following. (Yes, I've tried reading the manual and even printed it out for easier reading and access...)
Here's what I want to do:
Using a Korg M3 module on chan 1
and a Roland Boutique on Chan 2.
I want to setup volume control using sliders 1 and 2 respectively for the modules.
I also want to setup a program change for each module and be able to alter it when I wish.
Most of the things "I" do are not computer oriented on a live performance.
I usually use a workstation (Kurzweil) for other things, but I thought I could streamline my setup a bit with the KL MkII.
I would also like to setup various patch changes from the pads and have them in different colors.
Yes, I have been TRYING to use the MCC that Arturia put out, but again, that's not easy.
Just looking for the easiest way for someone to describe this to me on HOW to do this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much.