I completely agree. Arturia treats the long time Customers like Sh... On each Upgrade we pay horrible Prices for just 3 new Instruments, though some of us paid more than 1000 $$ over the Years. Compared to the Price for a 'Starter' an Update for long time Customers (more than 4 Updates) should not cost more than 100 $ (or 50 $ as Special Offer in the first Weeks), a Quarter of the requested Price, or maybe half if Special Plug-Ins (like Pigment or all the Effect Collections were for free). But OK, maybe we're just Milking Cows to Arturia because too many of us just pay and pay and pay ...
So why am I nearly sure that there won't be any Change with the next Update? :-(
Sorry, Arturia, but I just had to write this exactly as I see it.