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Author Topic: Automation Shortcuts in Pro Tools 12.8.3 Do Not Function  (Read 1523 times)


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Automation Shortcuts in Pro Tools 12.8.3 Do Not Function
« on: January 13, 2018, 06:40:17 pm »
The Control+Option+Command shortcut used to enable plugin parameters in V Collection 6 instruments does not function. Also, adjusting plugin parameters on a track that has Write--or any other kind of automation input recording enabled--does not result in the changes being recorded on an Automation Lane.  The only way to record plugin automation is to first manually add the parameter using the Plugin Automation Enable dialogue box.  This can be very tedious.  The mentioned keyboard shortcut works on all of my other AAX plugins.

I have tested this functionality on many of the V6 instruments (I don't recall all of them) but I am currently having the described issues with the Prophet VS synth.

I have a 2017 iMac 27", 4.2GHz processor, 64 GB RAM and my OS is 10.13.2

Thanks for any help that you can provide.


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