Long story short, I just checked, I set the oscillator frequency, both semitone and fine to 0 and 1.0000, and then I hit A4 on my keyboard and, I just checked it on my tuner, a sine wave will hit a perfect 440.0 hz.
I switch to a triangle oscillator (with pulse width, aka waveshape, set to 0.50) and it's 440.3 hz.
Same with the sawtooth oscillator (pulse width, aka waveshape, set to 0.00) and again, 440.3 hz. Switch to square wave oscillator (pulse width set to 0.50) and again, 440.3 hz.
So, this looks like a bug that all of the non-sine wave oscillators appear to run a tad sharp.
(Yes, I checked, my general tune is set at 1.0000)