But, have you tried assigning, for example, CC 30 to the portamento on/off switch, and then using Studio One's control link to connect one of your hardware switches to MIDI CC Helper 30 and seeing if that works fine?
Can you please post some images on what exactly you mean by this?
How do you assign?
And how do you use MIDI CC helpers?
My controller possibilities is mapped for use with control link. But i can't see it should make any difference.
Do you say it do?
Also i can use Novation Automap and Automap MIDI to assign controls.
But i can tell, that i do have issues using Arturias normal MIDI learn function in Studio One.
I have also the same issue using normal MIDI learn in Native Instruments products in Studio One.
Also not many parameters is availble for my macro buttons in Studio one. My macro knobs and macro X/Y have all the possibilities it looks like. It's not good the parameters is not availble for the Macro buttons.
Arturia you have to do something about this. I do have plug-ins where the macro buttons has the same parameters avaible as the macro knobs and the macro x/y pads. So it don't look like a Studio One issue.
The macros have possibilities that don't exist else like the opportunity to assign multiple parameters to one control, and the possibility to set polarity and curve for the individual parameter. So the parameters has to be availble.
I can get a CC control to work with a button on my controller to control the "glide" button on/ off on Modular V. I guess that's what you meant. In my case i used CC 31 as i had that set up on my controller. But it's the same as using CC 30.
In this case i assign my controller button using the Control link display using the "Arrow/ link button" between the selected parameter and selected control.
Because of the above mentioned missing parameters for my Control link macro buttons i can't assign a button for Glide on/ offthat way around. And that's bad. I can assign the Glide On/off (Or Portamento as it's called in the automation parameters) to a control link macro knob, and then assign a button on my cotroller to that macro, but that's a waste of macro control when parameters can't be used for them.
Arturia please fix this.I too is interested in hearing form others about MIDI learn in other DAW's. How do it work for you?