How are the sequencers "link" function supposed to be working?
To me it would be logical if you could extend a note when it's on, if the sound has sustain enough to extent the note, and i suppose that's how it's meant to be working.
But it work like a "Pause Note".
If the Repeat function could be set to "0" value that can be used as a "Skip Note" function, and if it could be set to a "P" value it could be the "Pause Note" function the Link in my view is wrongly used for now.
Pause Note can anyway also be introduced if using or adjusting a sound so it don't have long sustain. No need to use to use the Link function for pause a note.
A rachetting function is also wanted/ needed. Could be done if the Repeat function was added a quantizing possibility to as an option to the repeat to choose it to play single, double and even tripplets and dotted notes and so fourth.
Pop up value lists/menus or DropDown menus would be useful where there are multiple choice possibilities.
To me all this will give a better and more fleksible sequencer like the real thing including in live and improvisation situations. And it should not be that difficult to implement as i see it.