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Author Topic: Some thoughts, suggestions and maybe bug report about the sequencer.  (Read 2299 times)


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How are the sequencers "link" function supposed to be working?
To me it would be logical if you could extend a note when it's on, if the sound has sustain enough to extent the note, and i suppose that's how it's meant to be working.
But it work like a "Pause Note".

If the Repeat function could be set to "0"  value that can be used as a "Skip Note" function, and if it could be set to a "P" value it could be the "Pause Note" function the Link in my view is wrongly used for now.
Pause Note can anyway also be introduced if using or adjusting a sound so it don't have long sustain. No need to use to use the Link function for pause a note.

A rachetting function is also wanted/ needed. Could be done if the Repeat function was added a quantizing possibility to as an option to the repeat to choose it to play single, double and even tripplets and dotted notes and so fourth.

Pop up value lists/menus or DropDown menus would be useful where there are multiple choice possibilities.

To me all this will give a better and more fleksible sequencer like the real thing including in live and improvisation situations. And it should not be that difficult to implement as i see it.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 02:50:03 pm by LBH »


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Re: Some thoughts, suggestions and maybe bug report about the sequencer.
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2016, 02:18:34 pm »
ADD-ON to my presvious post:

The main thing is that all the possibilities is in the sequencer somehow.

For instance the "Next" function could either give room for a menu for a function, or a "Skip" button. If for a Skip button, then Skip is not needed in the Repeat as suggested in previous post. And having selected multiple skip buttons give with the "Force to step" also include the effect the Next function have now.


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Re: Some thoughts, suggestions and maybe bug report about the sequencer.
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2016, 01:50:17 am »
ARTURIA! This could be the beginning of a new product!

All LBH's and others' excellent suggestions for step sequencer enhancements could be a new plugin/product that could be used by other Arturia existing products e.g. Modular, 2600, Mini Moog etc. i.e. an uber sequencer taking the best out of the 1601 and the Modular etc, etc.

Get your guys brainstorming now! Investigate some of the eurorack and other hardware sequences and boil them all down into a new Arturia.

cheers Jeff  :D

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