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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Instructions: How to display the entire Modular V3 at once  (Read 7679 times)


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1) Find Modular V3_gui in your programdata folder and open it in a text editor or any program that can edit xml (wordpad will suffice)

2) (Disclaimer: I have only tested this with 70%) Scroll down to " <resolution name="70%" path="80%" w="LARGE_WIDTH*0.35" h="(LARGE_HEIGHT+HEIGHT_TOOLBAR+HEIGHT_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR)*0.35"/> "

3) Change the second multiplier value (the 0.35) to 0.655 (For example: <resolution name="70%" path="80%" w="LARGE_WIDTH*0.35" h="(LARGE_HEIGHT+HEIGHT_TOOLBAR+HEIGHT_BOTTOM_TOOLBAR)*0.655"/> )

4) Open up Modular V in your DAW, or standalone should work too (I didn't try), click in the upper left hand corner, resize to 80% and then resize back to 70% and voila, you should now have the entire VST visible.

I have a vertically oriented secondary monitor (1200 X 1920) which is an unusual setup so I encourage anyone reading this to try the different '<resolution name=' lines and different multiplier values to get the value that works for you.

And Arturia folk, if you're reading this, give users the option in the next update to display the entire modular v3 at once! You created a gorgeous VSTi and it deserves to be displayed in its full glory.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2016, 08:25:31 pm by Tausendberg »


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