Well when I bought Spark 2 software, it was advertised as being able to work with other hardware controllers in case you didn't want the Sparkle. I have the MASCHINE controller, an AKAI MPD32 and a nOVATION 25SL MK2. These devices show up in the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT out ports of SPARK 2. The problem is that when I try to assign the control in the SPARK2 to my hardware controller it won't connect. for example, I will click on the control on SPARK 2 hold down COMMAND on my IMac. The MIDI LEARN tab will show the MIDI NOTE and will sat LEARN. I click LEARN and it turns to LEARNING while I'm clicking or turning a knob or touching a midi note on my HARDWARE CONTROLLER. Once i release the hardware controller and turn the knob there is no movement in the software. I've been making MIDI LEARN connections for years on software like REASON ext. I know how MIDI LEARN works and it should be a relative simple process to match controls on a software program to the physical controls of the hardware controller. For some reason it's not working using MASCHINE, AKAI MPD32 and NOVATION 25SL MK2. I'm on an iMac running 10.9.3 but this wasn't working when I was on 10.8. and 10.9? thank in advance for your support.