Hi Philippe! I just logged on after a long time and saw your post. Congratulations on your retirement! We will all be eternally grateful for the monumental effort, heart and soul you have put into the Origin. It is truly one of the most massive, beautiful and perhaps underrated dream machines ever made.
I would be very interested to hear more about the project(s) you are working on. Have you heard of the Linnstrument? An MPE controller designed for guitarists...I have one and am in love with it. I have been using it with the Origin, Deckard's Dream, Prophet-6.
Hello everybody,
Let me introduce myself. I'm a retired engineer since a couple of months after 12 years and a half working for Arturia. I was hired by Arturia to work as the lead software developper of Origin. You likely know me on this forum as "Philippe". I must say the Origin experience has been the most demanding and gratifying of all my professional life. So I'm really pleased to see you guys expressing your positive opinions about the Origin synth. However I have a feeling of an unfinished work. There are objective reasons for that. Arturia's Origin was the first hardware project of this company. Origin would have been an extremely complex project even for an experienced company. So for the novices we were at that time it was a real epic adventure. The (not-fully-perfect) result is what you have in your hands now.
I don't know if Arturia will ever invests anymore on the Origin synth. I'd be glad if they do although I don't think it's likely to happen in the short term.
On my side I'm using my new free time to work on an old personal project targeted at maybe-non-keyboardist people (I'm myself a guitarist). Among other features this product should include a VA modular synth. For obvious legal reasons it cannot be an Origin2 synth. I want to do something a bit different, some sort of far cousin...
I wish you all the best with your Origin synthesisers.