i let me tell u my SHITuation i have computer with DDAAAMMNN ram with 191 mbs only and its pushing my computer to limite by runing "HEavy" storm heh :roll: and isn't there something like
1] uhave to chop the whole 5 min song of befor u import it as loop/wav/mp3 file???
2] what is the longest size/lanth u can have for loop/beat to import it???
the way i think if u wanna run ur storm or [reason 2.5] yoou must have 1gb of ram + some darn good sound card... this is my personal experiencz! people on cnet and other forum says u don't need lot of ram but i guess that for those dumiez who don't know how to click ENTER in keyboard.....
well anyway i will try to remix some song!! see what happens