I have not found anyone else writing about this, so I am guessing I am missing something obvious.
I am using Cubase Pro 12 (have also tested this with Cubase Pro 11).
If I put PolyBrute Connect on a track and record some MIDI, it works. Both notes and aftertouch-data get recorded.
But when I play it back, the aftertouch is not getting through to the Polybrute. If I instead use a normal MIDI-track routed through PolyBrute MIDI, the PolyBrute reacts to the aftertouch. So it kind of seems like the aftertouch is stuck in PolyBrute Connect and not sent to the synth.
I have tried other VSTs (Arturia Pigments, for example) and it works fine. So it can't be some global MIDI filtering going on for VSTs.
Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing? Is anyone else having this problem?