Thanks for suggestion, but no difference.
The newly installed sounds were gone, and after running ASC and start again it seems to find it.
That is only difference today from day before yesterday last running it was extra sound bank.
Then it finalized at least Save To Project for many minutes, now it does not recognize what I exported.
I'm sure I was even seing the right presets after the project creation.
But did not verify that the exported would load again.
And there is something weird about caching it reads the crashed project and is blank when startup again, but going back to project list the project is not there.
I can imagine that sounds have a different format now in v2, if that is some caching going on.
I have all librarians and such on this older laptop. I'm not going to use usb connection or VST plugin or anything.
Just updating firmware and take backups.
Drag-n-drop from results to preset explorer today went fine too.
Directly uploading presets to PB as I did that with progress bar done in 15s or so.
Firmware update went fine too the other day.
Touching controls on PB move gui properly today as well.
Left bottom Add New Project now also crashes after giving a name. Progress bar half way then crash.
Same doing from preset explorer.
All was v2 software as installed the other day, no previous versions of arturia software.
My daw is another windows 7 computer.
I'm writing this on a windows 10 laptop, but only used to be compatible with online stores of today.