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Author Topic: MCU or Reaper DAW mode  (Read 2504 times)


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MCU or Reaper DAW mode
« on: December 02, 2021, 08:44:41 pm »
Another pre-purchase a Reaper user, I see that the DAW Mode for Reaper does not map Punch In/Out to those buttons (they are used for view zoom in and out). However, the standard MCU mode does include the Punch In/Out controls (which I want). Is there a downside to using the Keylab MkII in MCU mode, rather than in Reaper mode? Would I loose other functionality?

As an alternative, can I create a User Mode for which I map the specific Reaper controls (like Punch In/Out) to those buttons?


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Re: MCU or Reaper DAW mode
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2021, 05:36:51 pm »

I don't have a Arturia controller. But as you can see here: - then the Reaper selection allready seems to use MCU (Mackie Control Universal).


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Re: MCU or Reaper DAW mode
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2021, 06:02:10 pm »

I don't have a Arturia controller. But as you can see here: - then the Reaper selection allready seems to use MCU (Mackie Control Universal).

Thank you for the reply, and yes, Reaper does use MCU. However, the different "Reaper" and "MCU" modes on the Keylab controller have some mapping differences. I was wondering about using one  mode over the other, and whether or not a "User Mode" could be designed with whatever Reaper control mappings I want. Since you do not have a controller, I hope someone who does might be able to reply. Thanks, again!


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Re: MCU or Reaper DAW mode
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2021, 08:54:03 pm »
I only replied as nobody else seemed to do it.

I think the question is if Reaper react to punch point messages from a controller. I don't use Reaper.

Keylabs Reaper preset mapping is different from other Keylab DAW maps, as they are set to control punch in/ out. My guess is, that it's not possible to control punch settings from a controller, unless it's added not long ago, as it otherwise would be mapped for keylabs Reaper preset from the beginning.

Reaper have auto punch for time settings and selected items. But i can't see the limits can be set from a controller. I suggest you ask in Reaper forum/ support about this. You can also search the web.

If you use Keylabs MCU or Reaper DAW will change the functionality to the chosen map, if the DAW also use the functionality.
You can also ask Arturia support/ sale.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2021, 09:01:10 pm by LBH »


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