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Author Topic: keylab MKII MIDI probles  (Read 1967 times)


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keylab MKII MIDI probles
« on: July 06, 2020, 09:17:48 pm »
I am having a difficulty with My new keylab MKII 49 and Cubase 10.5
he MKII is set up to send out MIDI from the pads on channel 10 and Notes from the Keys on Channel 11 in user mode
The channel in cubase for groove agent is set to MKII midi channel 10
The channel in cubase for Arturia's DX7V is set to MKII MIDIchannel 11
but when I play either the keys or the pads both instruments trigger -
I have contacted support nd followed their instructions but no change

anyone have a suggestion?


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Re: keylab MKII MIDI probles
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2020, 07:59:41 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

Does the controller send the midi seperate on midi channel 10 and 11, when you use it with DX7 in standalone mode? You can set DX7 t0 midi channel 10 and 11 too test.

If the above works, then it look like Cubase recieve on all midi channels. I'm not a cubase user, so i can't tell how cubase work on this. Perhaps you need to user a input filter of some kind.

It perhaps can be like this:
1. Your controller send on midi ch 11.
2. The midi ch 11 you have set in cubase is only the midi channel that's passed on to the plugin. If you use Multitimbral plugins that can use multiple midi ch, then this is good. But perhaps the same setting does'nt filter the incomming midi from your controller, so that's not midi ch 11 but actually OMNI/ ALL. If this is the case, then all midi channels will trigger a track, unless the incomming midi is being filtered to only pass one or certain midi channels from the controller to the track.

Or perhaps there is some other setting in Cubase you need to change.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2020, 08:45:06 pm by LBH »


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Re: keylab MKII MIDI probles
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2020, 12:31:46 am »
Thanks - I will check the stand alone thing - as far as the cubase question I believe I have each instrument set to use separate midi channels - but I will give it another look when I am back in the studio tomorrow night :) It may be some kind of odd Cubase routing thing - I am hoping there is a cubase user on here who has conquered the problem.  ;D


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Re: keylab MKII MIDI probles
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2020, 02:21:36 pm »
If the above works, then it look like Cubase recieve on all midi channels. I'm not a cubase user, so i can't tell how cubase work on this. Perhaps you need to user a input filter of some kind.

It perhaps can be like this:
1. Your controller send on midi ch 11.
2. The midi ch 11 you have set in cubase is only the midi channel that's passed on to the plugin. If you use Multitimbral plugins that can use multiple midi ch, then this is good. But perhaps the same setting does'nt filter the incomming midi from your controller, so that's not midi ch 11 but actually OMNI/ ALL. If this is the case, then all midi channels will trigger a track, unless the incomming midi is being filtered to only pass one or certain midi channels from the controller to the track.

Or perhaps there is some other setting in Cubase you need to change.
Perhaps you need to use Cubase Input Transformer to filter the incomming midi channels from you controller, as i wrote about.
Perhaps like you can see in this video from 4:40:


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Re: keylab MKII MIDI probles
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2020, 04:28:52 pm »
That may be just what it needs   ;D
It looks like midi channel assignments should be fairly straight forward -
But it seems like it usually isn’t for some reason  ::)
I will check it out as soon as I get in this evening and let you know how it goes :)


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Re: keylab MKII MIDI probles
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2020, 06:08:00 pm »
OK - Yes - it looks like the only MIDI option from the keylab is "Keylab mkII MIDI"

with no way to specify the MIDI channel - meaning that probably all channels - then the routing in cubase where I have specified channel 10 or 11 for an instrument is probably shooting all the MIDI info down that channel - at the moment I don't see a way to split it up once it its cubase - The MIDI transformer did not show a way to break it down - unless I missed something - MIDII feeds from other sources allow you to choose the actual incoming MIDI channel from the device.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 06:47:55 pm by Gembeck52 »


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Re: keylab MKII MIDI probles
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2020, 08:28:00 pm »
the transformer worked - thanks much - that's a lot of steps just to route one midi channel to one instrument - but if thats how you do it - and apparently it is - then there you go :0)

thanks so much for the help - I appreciate it
« Last Edit: July 09, 2020, 08:34:39 pm by Gembeck52 »


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Re: keylab MKII MIDI probles
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2020, 09:17:15 pm »
Your welcome.
Glad it's functional.

In my DAW i can select a controller for each of 16 midi channels in my DAWs instrument window/ wrapper.

Also i get the option to select the midi channel input from a controller, when i select that specified controller for my track. I don't get this option, if i have it set to ALL inputs.
If you have'nt tried to select the specified SL MKII controller instead of a ALL input setting, then i suggest you try it.

But i can see the Cubase Input Transformer have a function, if it actually make it possible to make things like this work for multiple controllers at the same time. I think, it can make the same things, as i can in my DAW, and perhaps even more, as i understand, it can work in both local and global mode for the commands. But yes, for simple things there could be another way to make this work, - and perhaps there is.


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