Hello All,
A new Origin firmware version (RC1_1.3.15) is available for download here:
http://www.arturia.net/filesharing/www/?action=d&id=05700259996331843871191828401no password needed
As usual, do not forget to first install the "Origin Connection" which is included in the package.
Occasionally, you may get alert box from "Origin Connection" telling you some cryptic message such as "there has been a problem on U2034". This is very rare and means that the Origin and "Origin Connection" are no more in sync. Then you simply need to restart the update and everything should be OK.
This version fixes :
- the erratic encoders behavior : we may still have to tweak the acceleration which is applied when the encoder is rotated quickly. Anyway, the encoders won't and cannot behave correctly if you turn them very quickly.
- DSP crashes when adding or removing connections and/or modules
- the clicks that could be heard on some presets
- the crash that occured from time to time when "newing" a JP8 template.
Some users have reported unexpected sound changes on some presets. We're still investigating this.
Have fun.