I just bought Pigments 2 today. I didn't buy the original, so I don't have something to compare to. Here's the deal:
I'm noticing that when I press and release the same note note multiple times, I don't hear the release of the note I've just released. It's like the same voice is being allocated to that note, as though voice stealing is happening (even though I'm only playing one note!). This is especially noticeable on pad sounds with long attacks and releases. It's jarring and uncomfortable to hear.
When playing repeated notes on other Arturia polysynths (Jup-8 for example), a new voice is allocated each time you press a note, so you get the whole amp envelope of every voice. Voice stealing only happens when all voices have been allocated. It seems that, since cyclical voice allocation is common for most hardware and software synths, this would be the expected behavior in Pigments. In other words, this feels like bad programming, not an intended function.
I'm not seeing any voice allocation/stealing settings within Pigments. I read the manual and found no information on the topic. Any help would be appreciated.