I just got the email from Arturia and would love to buy this. I own three of Arturia's programs, plus the upgrades. But this web site is extremely frustrating, and it isn't the first time. It took me two weeks to authorize Storm3 the first time. Finally had tech support give me the unlock code. Never was able to log on and get it unlocked. There's no excuse for that.
And now when I try to buy the Vintage Collection Upgrade offer, the site tells me one of my licenses is not valid, but of course it doesn't tell me which one! Now I know I have registered them all, so there's obviously a problem, a problem that would be a lot easier to fix if the damn thing told me which one it didn't like! Seems simple enough to me. "Hey, buddy, your Storm3 registration isn't here!" But I get no information.
This is a matter of simple design and respect for users! If they know which one is the problem, they should let me know! My suspicion is that since I had so much problem with registering the Storm3, that that is the problem...but the site certainly hasn't given me any idea!