Sorry to hear that, hopefully everything will turn out alright for you
When they said that a "Virus" entered through my tonsils, to me it seems rather trivial (but who knows.) From what I've read, a virus causes a cell to build more ports which allows EFP? to cause the cell to replicate faster than a normal cell. Following a Immunotherapy trial which is supposed to remove those extra ports. So far, no reactions (Good thing) so no chemo (really good thing) and radiation coming up (less of a good thing but it seems it's more like a sun burn - no big deal... I hope)
In any case, I should be able to get a beat-step machine (love those natural sounding drum sounds) after all this fun stuff is over with. Next year, after getting my taxes back, a 3D printer. Don't know what I can build that's related to music but, I'll think of something. So much to think about. So long to wait.
All sounds rather positive, best of luck!
We're getting pretty off-topic, but hey, maybe a mod can spilt this off to a new thread with the subject I've made up above?
Which machine are you talking about with the natural sounding drum sounds? The Arturia drum machines don't sound too natural really, albeit familiar in a way. They do a good job at providing some classic analogue drum sounds.
As far as what you can print that is related to musc, it all depends on what you are using. For a start cable management clips are something all electronic musicians need. Cable management clips are something all computer users with a mass of peripherals need, for that matter! Then there are custom knob-caps. You can print tabletop tiered instrument stands, for space management. And if you get bitten by the eurorack bug, you will probably want some patch cable clip panels to keep them all out of the way of the module controls. But the real must for eurorack modules are Lego stud panels! All modular synths need Lego figurines standing sideways on them, if not a Lego laser turret, or even just a word or two spelt out in Lego at either end

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