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Author Topic: Question About LFO "EXT VIBRATO IN"  (Read 4458 times)


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Question About LFO "EXT VIBRATO IN"
« on: February 16, 2019, 07:27:19 pm »
How do you use the "EXT VIBRATO IN" signal in the LFO section?

From the look of it, it seems that I should be able to connect an oscillator signal to that jack, and adjust the amplitude of that signal with the "VIBRATO DEPTH" slider.  But I don't see anything that outputs the final signal so that I can use it as a modulation signal.  Is there an output jack for this signal? Or is the output of the external vibrato signal hard-wired to something?  If so, what?

I am clearly missing something about how to use the  "EXT VIBRATO IN" signal.  Any help will be appreciated!

Best Regards, Ernie "lunker" Lundqvist
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Re: Question About LFO "EXT VIBRATO IN"
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2019, 07:54:12 pm »
Have a look at my reporting here: EXTERNAL SOURCE FOR EXT VIBRATO IN BUG? https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=94350.0
I think there is a bug. I don't think you are missing anything, it just does'nt work as exspected.


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Re: Question About LFO "EXT VIBRATO IN"
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2019, 04:06:00 am »
To me, the 'LFO' is an 'Arturia' added section, dedicated to 'vibrato' uses ie dedicated/hardwired to modulating pitch of Oscillators. It's not included in the Arp 2600 original manual, nor the Sequencer original manual. (I could be wrong).  The LFO <waveshape> outs let you use the LFO waves as mod sources.

Re the EXT VIBRATO IN. (v3.3.1.1782)
I plugged an Osc wave into it, it overrode the lfo and used the Osc wave to affect LFO (limited by vibrato depth control)
Similarly I plugged the out of the AR into it, and it also overrode the LFO and affected the pitch (limited by vibrato depth control)
Also plugged LFO wave out into it, to change default vibrato waveshape e.g. to make mod wheel use Square (trill) instead of hardwired sine ( I assume)
It DOESN"T mix the 'EXT VIBRATO IN' source with the 'internal vibrato' ie it seems to be internal (with delay, wheel input etc) OR external (no delay, no wheel input etc)

EXT VIBRATO IN appears to act like an 'overriding' input. I  think that's what it's supposed to do? I know LBH was thinking it might be better as a 'amount' CV input, but I don't think it's doing that now. It seems to simply swap the normalled sine LFO wave for whatever is plugged into it.

cheers Jeff
« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 04:43:34 am by jeffbart »
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Re: Question About LFO "EXT VIBRATO IN"
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2019, 01:20:45 pm »
EXT VIBRATO IN appears to act like an 'overriding' input. I  think that's what it's supposed to do?

I know LBH was thinking it might be better as a 'amount' CV input, but I don't think it's doing that now. It seems to simply swap the normalled sine LFO wave for whatever is plugged into it.
No i meant using the EXT VIBRATO IN as a waveform for the hardwired vibrato. To swap/ override like you say.  And that it does. This is also the only way to use the LFOs different waveforms as hardwired Vibrato and controlled by the Mod In depth.
But the problem is, that the MOD Amount MOD IN does'nt work like it should when the waveform come from a source outside the LFO. Also the LFO Delay does'nt work for this. This is what i try to explain in my thread i linked to.

As i see it, then you for example even should be able to use complex waveforms from the Tracking Generator for "Vibrato", and then control the depth of the modulation using the Vibrato Depth MOD In. But as said, then the Vibrato depth Mod In does'nt work as one exspect when EXT VIBRATO IN is used, and that's what i consider a bug.
There is no reason why the MOD IN to control the depth should not work for waveforms that come outside the LFO thru, especially when it's called EXT VIBRATO IN. That mean you for example can't use the MODWHEEL to control the vibrato depth as it is, when you add a waveform from an external source outside the LFO.
Then i also think the LFO delay should work for EXT VIBRATO IN waveforms that come from sources outside the LFO.

I understand i did'nt say anything about the "missing" output the OP mentioned. But that's because i think my post i linked for https://forum.arturia.com/index.php?topic=94350.0 somehow explain, what i also try to explain in this post. But i perhaps should have been clear about the hardwired function is why there is no output jacks.

« Last Edit: March 09, 2019, 04:01:30 pm by LBH »


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Re: Question About LFO "EXT VIBRATO IN"
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2019, 04:50:53 am »
Yes, i see now what you mean. The MOD in doesn't work for the EXT Vibrato IN so you can't use EXT VIBRATO IN with e.g. the mod wheel
That would be great, it would make it a lot more useful.

cheers Jeff
cubase 9.0.40
the amazing Modartt Pianoteq
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tc electronic konnekt 24d


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