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Author Topic: B3V2s virtual swell pedal seems to graphically work in the opposite direction.  (Read 3339 times)


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B3V2s virtual swell pedal seems to graphically work in the opposite direction of the volume.


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Make the minimum 100 and the maximum zero and it will be in the correct intuitive direction

I assigned the modulation wheel to the swell pedal, with min at 100% and max at 0%, so that the mod wheel, when it is normally all the way down, makes the volume of the swell all the way up. To lower the volume, I push the mod wheel up.

The visual is off but perhaps thats the way the organ originally worked.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 04:02:30 am by fredmant »


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Hi fredmant,
Make the minimum 100 and the maximum zero and it will be in the correct intuitive direction

I assigned the modulation wheel to the swell pedal, with min at 100% and max at 0%, so that the mod wheel, when it is normally all the way down, makes the volume of the swell all the way up. To lower the volume, I push the mod wheel up.
Excactly. It's the same if you use Expression pedal and other controls.

The visual is off but perhaps thats the way the organ originally worked.
No. B3V2s visually pedal give a wrong impression. It's a little thing, but it can disturb.

So just reporting this for Arturia here.


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