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Author Topic: MicroFreak aftertouch  (Read 1169 times)


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MicroFreak aftertouch
« on: July 17, 2022, 03:27:21 am »
I had my first experience with the Microfreak. Whenever I pressed and moved my finger on the last C pad the led screen started jittering, and I could also see the pitch bend screen flickering through it as well. Eventually this could result in a black screen. While the screen jitters were limited to the last C pad, frantic retriggering of the voices, happened on every pad as soon as I pressed my whole finger on it: as an example. I read that I wasn't the only user with this issue.
 I found out that it was over as soon as I used the power adapter and applied that to an earthed power outlet.

In the process I had changed the sensitivity which I initially thought had caused the issue mentioned above. I thought I'd have a better aftertouch response now that I could increase the sensitivity to a higher percentage but unfortunately it wasn't the case. An article on the internet stated you should moisturize you fingers, which admittingly indeed did the trick... until your fingers are dry again. Surely there must be another way to get this working properly, than having a bowl of water next to my Microfreak?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2022, 04:05:38 am by Avon »


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Re: MicroFreak aftertouch
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2022, 02:07:19 am »

He tenido el mismo problema que comentas. Leí lo de tener los dedos humedecidos pero no funciono. Se me ocurrió poner sobre las teclas un plástico de esos que sirven para forrar cuadernos y libros escolares y funcionó bien pero todo mejoró cuando le rocíe encima una capa de silicona en spray de esas que se usan para proteger el panel y el cuero del interior de los automóviles.

Supongo que la silicona funciona como una capa de plástico sobre el teclado y el sonido descuadrado y el corto circuito en la pantalla se terminaron.

Te recomiendo que pruebes poniendole un plástico cualquiera sobre el teclado para que verifiques lo que digo. Si ves que mejora, recien entonces prueba con la silicona en spray.


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