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Author Topic: Analog Lab crashes every time & ASC won't open, neither standalone version  (Read 3779 times)


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In older ableton sets which use analog lab 3, i get sound. However, if i try to open the analog lab plugin to change something, I always receive fatal error and it crashes my ableton t(10). In fact, it even crashes it so hard i don't even get the option to recover my set afterwards, never happened before.

If i try to use new instance,ableton crashes similarly.

If i try to open ASC, i get a quick pop up  with white screen and it dissapears again and nothing happens.

There's also some stuff about Arturia Driver control panel popping up, however if i install, in the end i asks me to connect my device but i don't have any arturia device.

If i try to open analog lab standalone, a brief pop up appears and imediately dissapears again, nothing happens afterwards.

I run windows 10, ableton 10. Analog lab always worked fine in the past. Of course i did several removals (both asc and analog lab and the driver cntrol thing), re downloadand re-install but nothing.
Can you please advice further actions?  Really to bad this stuff is happening, really want to take advantage of he deal to move to V6 which is currently on but of course cannot trust that with all this stuff happening.



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Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

What driver control thing? What's the name?
Do you have Arturia Spark Software? And is it in that context you get the "connect device" message?

If you don't have VC6, then which Collection do you have?

Please tell step by step how you have removed and re-installed ASC and other applications.

Are you having issues with none Arturia software of any kind?

I use Windows 10 and have no crash issues like this.
Was your PC originally installed with Windows 10?
Are your Graphic driver updated?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 11:37:50 pm by LBH »


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