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Author Topic: Sending MIDI/NRPN messages to Deepmind 6  (Read 1208 times)


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Sending MIDI/NRPN messages to Deepmind 6
« on: July 16, 2022, 04:41:41 pm »
I've been trying unsuccessfully to send an NRPN message from the Beatstep Pro to a Deepmind 6 synth (to turn it's ARP feature on/off). I'm puzzled because I can get this working from the smaller Beatstep, but not the Beatstep Pro. Hoping somebody might be able to help out?

The Deepmind 6 manual indicates that the Arp can be targeted with an NPRN as follows:

  • Parameter: Arp on/off
  • MSB: 1
  • LSB: 27
  • Range: 0-1

So I made the following settings on Pad 1 (turn off Arp) & Pad 2 (turn on Arp) of the Beatstep Pro — see screengrabs below.

This should be working fine right?

n.b. CC messages are working fine so there's no issue with the connectivity or the Midi Channel settings.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2022, 04:51:08 pm by seb4242 »


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