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Author Topic: Where do I write my questions to communicate with the community  (Read 16235 times)


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Where do I write my questions to communicate with the community
« on: October 27, 2018, 10:24:51 pm »
Hi I'm new here and I have some questions to ask. I don't know where to go to do this, as its not clear as to where the posting box is. This is basic stuff but I have never gone on a forum before and I'm lost already. Its not simple to the uninitiated. Please help.. Thank you.


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Re: Where do I write my questions to communicate with the community
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2018, 08:55:32 am »
Hi Elderrocker, and welcome on our forums.
sorry for the delay of my reply.

If you look at the main forum page, you'll see different main boards/categories : Audio, General, hardware etc...
Inside these categories you'll see what we call child boards . In example, looking in AudioFuse main category, you'll see "community", "audiofuse - General discussions"....
these child categories help a lot to precisely sort the information.

If you want to post something, just go in the desired main board and child board. Once there, looking at top-right area, you'll see a "new topic" button.

So in example, let's say you have a technical issue with your Drumbrute Impact. Then go in "hardware instruments" main category, " Drumbrute impact" area, then in "drumbrute impact - technical issues" child board. At last , click on "new topic".

Team and lot of friendly users are doing their best to provide answers as fast as possible, but you have to consider there can be a delay sometimes.

In case of emergency, for technical issues, you can also directly contact Arturia support team here :

hope this is clearer for you now :)

Best regards,


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