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Author Topic: "Blank Synth" preset isn't totally blank?  (Read 3224 times)


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"Blank Synth" preset isn't totally blank?
« on: January 19, 2019, 12:53:18 am »

I've been working on building up some patches from scratch, and for some reason the "Blank Synth" preset in the presets list isn't actually blank. It has some connections and knobs in various positions. See screenshot attached, showing the connections. Version

Is this normal? Is it possible I saved over it somehow? The preset is definitely listed as a "Factory" preset, and does not have a "save" option, just "save as".

If this is not normal, how might I restore the correct settings?



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Re: "Blank Synth" preset isn't totally blank?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2019, 03:24:41 am »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

It's normal for Modular V.

What you see is a LFO connection controlled by the Modwheel for the first driver. I assume the one that created this template preset found that to used a lot, so that i assume is the reason it's there. There is no sound, and i guess that's what BLANK in the name refere to. It's just a start point preset.

If you don't like it as your start point preset, then you can create any start point preset yourself. If you for example does'nt wan't the above mentioned LFO connection in your start point preset, then just remove the connections and use Save As to save it as a new preset.

Perhaps you at some point find, that you for many presets are starting out with the same connctions and settings, and then you can create another preset with those connections and settings, as a start point for futher presets. You can create several startpoint presets to save time, if you like.

FYI: You can't overwrite Factory presets. That's why you have to use Save As.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2019, 03:38:31 am by LBH »


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Re: "Blank Synth" preset isn't totally blank?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2019, 09:34:47 pm »
Thanks for your explanation.

I wanted a very blank preset to help myself learn all the connections and knob values, so I ended up making one. I'm attaching it to this message in case anyone else finds it useful.

In addition to having zero connections, all the knobs have been reset to the "default" position by double clicking on them. (The Factory "Default" preset has some knobs set to seemingly arbitrary values. For example, VCA1 Volume is at -7.11db, and the Dual Delay Left Time is at Tempo*3, etc)

Some exceptions to the "double click" positions:

* ADSR: A=0 D=0 S=1.00 R=0 (rather than all of them being 0.50)
* Sequencer: The "next step" knobs progress 1 to 8 (rather than all of them being 0)

All triggers are disconnected, with the following exception:

* VCA1 trigger is connected to "Keyboard Trigger On" (so that connecting an oscillator to "VCA1 In" works immediately - this seemed like a reasonable default)

Other than that, nothing is connected or modulated at all. Any further exceptions are errors on my part.

For a beginner like myself, it takes some work to get this preset to do anything complex, which is the point. But I find it more predictable than starting from the Factory "Default" or "1 Osc 1 Filter".


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