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Author Topic: How long can I leave the synth run?  (Read 2702 times)


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How long can I leave the synth run?
« on: January 11, 2019, 08:45:03 pm »
So my normal weekend routine is to wake up at 5AM and turn on my studio which now includes the 2s and a Drumbrute Impact, and jam in spurts of 3 to 5 times throughout the day when I'm not taking care of family and children.

How long is too long to keep the machine(s) on?

I noticed the unit gets warm, but not hot.

Is there any harm in this?

I usually turn in around 10PM, so this would leave the machine(s) essentially running for about 15 hours or so.



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Re: How long can I leave the synth run?
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2019, 12:39:00 pm »
Yes I'd like to know too as I'm in the same situation. I actually forgot that both my 2S and Drumbrute were left on all night a couple times. I have a family and.kids and often just forget it's still on and pass out exhausted. After work and everything else. I'm assuming it's not going to anything if left on. Just make sure it's connected to a surge protector. Anyone disagree? Much obliged.


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Re: How long can I leave the synth run?
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2019, 03:15:06 am »
I only just got my Minibrute 2S, but my experience with other analog synthesizers is that some musicians don't even turn them off. They just... leave them on forever. If you think about it, your computer is oscillating at ~3 Ghz all the time but that's fine, and your AC appliances oscillate at 60 hz for years and years! If the hardware in the Minibrute is as good as all the other stuff, it's the dust, oxygen, and humidity in your studio that will will kill it like everything else, not how long you keep it on.


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Re: How long can I leave the synth run?
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2019, 01:02:03 pm »
Arturia may have an official line on this which overrides our opinions, but from my experience, most electronics of all kinds suffer the most wear and tear by being turned on/off/on/off and suffer less if you just leave them on. The only exceptions are things like CRT VDUs, LEDs, motors, etc, i.e. things that have a fairly predictable lifespan or which just physically wear out.

We had a huge network server at work which worked faultlessly for 15 years, never ever turned off from day one, then one day the building was powered down at weekend to allow for the 'umbilical cords' to be cut between our building and some adjacent buildings that were being demolished. Server went poof when it was powered up, all the smoke came out of it, never to work again.
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Re: How long can I leave the synth run?
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2019, 06:02:32 am »
Thank goodness for some responses I'm just leaving mine on till I die one project lasts weeks and I'm not.into saving and hoping it's still the same


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