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Author Topic: My Keylab 88 suddenly does not sync, does not work with any software..  (Read 8441 times)


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My Keylab 88 has suddenly stopped working. It receives signal from the computer, for instance I can see the presets from analog lab update on the led screen on the Keylab, but no midi data seems to then be sent back to the computer. If I press a key there is no response, and no indicator in my DAW that it even sees midi being sent to it (though the Keylab clearly dispays Ableton Live in it's screen when I open Ableton). I also have a Minilab and that is working fine.

I've attempted to update/restore firmware in MIDI Control Center and while it does see the device is connected, when I update/sync it says "ERROR: The device has been disconnected" even though it continues to show its connected, and all of the lights remain working etc...

Lastly I have tried the reset (holding -/+ during repower) and it has not helped... I have made no recent updates to my operating system or my DAW.

Really hoping for some help on this as I use the controller daily, my gut is telling me it's something hardware related...


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Re: My Keylab 88 suddenly does not sync, does not work with any software..
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2019, 05:53:27 pm »
Hi, have you tried a different USB cable with it? It could be that simple, if you're lucky.
2022 Apple Studio Max 32/32/2TB Monterey • V Collection 9 • Analog Lab 4 + 5 • KeyLab 88 • KeyStep


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Re: My Keylab 88 suddenly does not sync, does not work with any software..
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2019, 06:34:37 pm »
The cable might be broken yes.

I would also try to reconnect the controller to the DAW.

Does the controller work for standalone applications? If so, then it's probably not a hardware failure.
You could try to run a tool to see if there are MIDI outputs from your controller. MAC have such a tool i think. For Windows you can use MIDI-OX: http://www.midiox.com/


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Re: My Keylab 88 suddenly does not sync, does not work with any software..
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2019, 12:06:46 am »
Thank you for the replies. I had tried multiple cables, and multiple USB ports. I had also deleted the Keylab 88 from MIDI Devices on the macs audio/midi setup app, and then initiated an update so I could plug in again and have the mac write a fresh instance for the Keylab. I also downloaded a midi app to track whether midi data was coming from the Keylab or not, and while the computer could clearly see the Keylab plugged in there was no MIDI data being sent to the mac (I cross verified with my minilab, where plenty of midi data was sent to the app). Nothing was working...

However I DID end up getting this going again last night. It took hooking it up to an older mac I happened to have, which basically has a brand new hard drive with nothing on it. I downloaded MIDI control from Arturia, and was running into the same error even on that machine. I ended up downloading an older version of the firmware from the archives, and one of them actually did install on the keylab (oddly it never showed as successful, I just happened to notice that the display in Midi control showed a firmware version rather than "unknown" like it had been displaying. From there I was able to upgrade again to the newest firmware and I'm back in action here.



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