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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: [SOLVED} - Mod wheel LFO doesn't affect all voices in Poly mode.  (Read 4123 times)


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I nearly raised this before, but I could not reproduce it, until I tried again today.
It is an intermittent fault, build, standalone, Mac.

With multiple voices active and the mod wheel controlling the LFO mod, only some voices get modulated. Others remain unmodulated.

e.g. Template preset '1 Osc Square'.
Set number of voices to 16, 32.
Set mode to Poly
use wheel full up to introduce LFO vibrato. Hit a few chords.
Do you get any odd behaviour?

Thanks Jeff
« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 08:17:28 am by jeffbart »
cubase 9.0.40
the amazing Modartt Pianoteq
Arturia things
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I can verify and reproduce this wrong LFO  behavior just by playing normal and using the MW normal.
I used the "LFO vibrato" preset and set it to poly and increase the voice number.
First i tried in stand alone mode. Everything seems okay.
Then i tried VST3 and then there are troubles.
Back to stand alone mode - and again all seems okay.
Back to VST3 and again troubles.
So perhaps this is a plug-ins issue only. Anyway - there is something wrong.

Perhaps only one voice trigger the LFO and the voices are rotating so the triggering voice is not allways on.


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This appears to have gone away in 3.3.1 and greater.

cubase 9.0.40
the amazing Modartt Pianoteq
Arturia things
tc electronic konnekt 24d


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