You are right, that the quantize does'nt work as exspected. Perhaps Arturia should have a look at this. I would consider this to be a bug.
When using quantize one should exspect, that you can set a lower value (at least down to 5 or 6) when having only 2 active steps set for a quantized octave. And Notes tha's unchecked should not sound, i assume.
You can set mod values between 10 and 14 and get an octave in Unipolar mode. A bit strange you can't, when it's not Unipolar.
But when i quantize with the value 0.10, then i do get an octaves in all cases.
(Do you have more modulations going on, that may affect the effect somehow? Or does the LFO work sometimes?)
When not using Unipolar, then i get an octave both up and down from the played note.Try the note before applying LFO and then with the LFO on. It can seem like it go 2 octave up but not down at all. But that's not the case, as you with a Square in my examples start hearing the sound one octave below the played note, because of the LFO modulation.
(Again do you have other modulation going on?)
I attach 4 example presets involving Quantize and/ or Unipolar. I have used LFO 2 with Phase set to 0.500.
Please attach a preset, if you still can't get it to work.