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Author Topic: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI  (Read 6434 times)


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Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« on: July 27, 2019, 09:26:08 am »

could you help me, how can I use Matrix 12 with breath controller? Where can I teach the Matrix 12 learn the CC2?



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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2019, 12:58:38 pm »
Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

You can use Midi learn as explained in the manual section "3.2.8 MIDI Learn assignment". Can't you assign Midi CC2 using that?

I think perhaps, it depends on your breath controller, if it will work. I guess it has to send out MIDI CC data to have a change to work.


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2019, 10:38:02 pm »

thanks, I tried, but not to good.

I tried it with Prophet V, and I could set it up very well there. Can I set the Matrix 12 that same setting with Prophet?
I can sets in the Filter section.

Where can I find same cut off filter?


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2019, 12:08:54 am »
Where can I find same cut off filter?
In Matrix 12 V the "FREQ" in the filter section is like the "CUTOFF" in Prophet V.


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2020, 09:31:51 pm »

yes I can learn, but not much happens unfortunately.

I made a record from that problem:

In Arturia better:

It's normal?

I founded a video w breath controller, what do you think? How can I use that same?

« Last Edit: January 07, 2020, 11:45:37 pm by bazsa82 »


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2020, 12:16:15 am »
In the Prophet V sound it look like you use a simple Prophet 5 sound. So it does'nt use a modulation matrix, and it's not a layered sound.

Clearly the Matrix 12 V FREQ is modulated in your video.

But in Matrix you have picked a layered multi sound. So you only modulate the FREQ parameter for the current sound in the multi. In your video i can se the current selected layer is LPF Lead NU.
Look like it's a copy of the Preset Big Layered.
Please read in the manual about single and multi sounds.

Keep in mind that the effect of the FREQ parameter depend on the selected Filter type. This can have a huge impact on the FREQ response. So knowing about different filters work is important. In Prophet 5 you only have a single LPF filter. Matrix 12 have 15 filters.
Also keap in mind that there can be some modulation going on in the modulation matrix that in example add FREQ.
Again, please read the manual.
I think your issue mostly is about learning to use your equiptment.

For multi sounds i think you perhaps need to use the modulation matrix and not midi learn. I don't know if it's possible for you to set your breath controller to the midi CC the modulators in the matrix. But if you can, then you can control the parameters, that the modulator is set to modulate. And then why not use it for single sounds too, as you can control more parameters with a single midi CC.
Again please read the manual for more informations.

I hope this helps.

Just FYI: I the videos i can see, that you actually use the legacy versions of the applications. They are from V-Collection 4. There is a forum for legacy versions of the applications. Current V-Collection is V-Collection 7.
You have Matrix 12 V while the current version is Matrix 12 V2. And you have Prophet V2, while the current version is Prophet V3.
No harm done. But it's allways good to at least tell which version one have, especially when the forum is for another version, that the one you have.

Be sure you have the latest update of your Matrix 12 V. The last update before Matrix 12 V2 arrived.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2020, 12:19:05 am by LBH »


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2020, 07:39:18 pm »


I founded a guy, who use breathcontroller ( I think same Matrix V1 and V2) but I don't understand how can I do this:

Hello. I'm Manabu Kirino = mkirino01. Matrix-v12's mod source "Pressure" = aftertouch, and "PEDAL 2" = CC11(expression). See
http://wx5.blog2.fc2.com/blog-entry-428.html Set your breath controller's breath out to aftertouch or CC11. Or use MIDI converting software such as Midipipe. Also you can use Apple Logic's Midi converting function (Logic's environment). thanks!


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2020, 08:18:28 pm »
As i wrote, then that depend on what you can do with your controller. You have to be able to change the Midi message that your controller send out. You mention Aftertouch and midi CC. Check if you can set you controller to send those messages. Please refer to your breath controller manual or find support for it. I don't have one.

I don't think it's a good link you have posted. Perhaps it's not safe.


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2020, 08:29:07 pm »

My controller send every midi CC that I'd like to use. I can translate in Logic midi CC what I want, but I don't know in Matrix plugin how can I do this:

The link is japan. I copy and translate that the guy wrote from Matrix:

"... I would like to have this much information in the official manual, but I couldn't help it, so I looked it up on my own

Less miscellaneous
In the case of creating the sound of a normal wind synth,
Assign the breath synth's breath sensor output to one of LEVER 1, PEDAL 1 or 2, PRESSURE, and use this as the source to edit the Matrix 12's tone so that the tone and volume can be changed.
If the breath sensor output of the wind synth is CC = 2, use either of the following [a] or to use this as a source,
In the case of [a], the noise associated with real-time operation is more noticeable than in (for example, there is a lot of rough noise when opening and closing the filter) Recommended. If , the noise is fairly low (although not zero)
[a] Assign LEVER 1 to CC = 2 by MIDI Learn, then use LEVER1.

CC = 2 is converted to one of PEDAL1, PEDAL2, or PRESSURE with DAW etc. interposed between and used. Is PRESSURE safe because of the low frequency of use on other sound sources? It has been confirmed that Apple Mainstage2 can convert CC = 2 to Aftertouch (Channel Pressure) and play.

If you don't care about CC = 2, you can use Aftertouch with recent EWI and Aftertouch with EWIUSB, you can use any setting with CC1, 11 or 64, but aftertouch (PRESSURE) Is it safe to use as In the case of WX5, it is good to set it to output CC11 and use PEDAL as the source, but there are many other sound sources that change the volume with CC11, so be careful when using multiple sound sources together. In both cases, the rough noise is not zero, but it is enough to use.

Release Velocity doesn't think that this source can be used effectively because I don't think there is a device that can output this at the moment as well as EWI and WX."

So my problem is I don't know how can I sets the Matrix. I tried CC2 tarnslate to 1,11, 64, but didn't work.

Here is the link from that guy who do it on Matrix and write it:



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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2020, 09:34:31 pm »
It's like you can read.

If you in example set your controller to:
- midi CC#11, then it will control the parameters that Pedal 2 set to control in the modulation matrix. (Midi CC#11 = Pedal 2)
- midi CC#01 = Lever 1

- If you set your controller to Aftertouch then it act like the Pressure modulator
- If you set it to Velocity it act like the Velocity modulator.
- Set to Pichwheel/ Pitchbend then it act like Lever 2

So you don't assign your controller to a parameter like when you used Midi learn. You just set your controller to act like one of the modulators in the modulation matrix, and then you do you modulations through the matrix. This way you can control multiple parameters of your choice at the same time as in example you can set Midi CC#11that's Pedal 2 to be the modulator for multiple parameters.

As long as your controller is set to one of the modulators that Matrix 12 V use, then it will work as described above.
I would say it's a good choice to use Aftertouch/ Pressure or Midi CC#11/ pedal 2.

The modulator is the source (SRC) in Matrix 12 V modulation matrix and the DEST is the parameter destinations for the modulation.
The AMT knobs set the modulation amount.
Then there also is a Clear and a Quantize for each modulation slot.


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2020, 09:45:33 pm »
Try this:
1. Set your controller to midi CC#11
2. Select the Template preset TEMPLATE SINGLE and turn down the FREQ fully.
3. Select Pedal 2 as modulator/ SRC in a slot in Matrix 12 Vsmodulation matrix
4. Select FILTER FREQ as DEST (Select VCF/VCA symbol and then the FILTER FREQ that will show underneath the synbols in the popup window.)
5. Set the AMT for the slot to max positive modulation (Turn fully rigth)
6. Play

Does it work?


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2020, 09:55:47 pm »
I try it now.


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2020, 10:13:48 pm »
It's work. :-)


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Re: Matrix 12 with Breath Controller - EWI
« Reply #13 on: January 09, 2020, 10:19:15 pm »
Great. Glad to hear that.

Then keep all the things i have written in my posts in mind.

I suggest you experiment and get familar with the concept and how the synth work. I suugest you start experiments on the same simple TEMPLATE SINGLE preset and then move on from there.


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