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Author Topic: Studio One 4 user w/ Keylab 61 MKII (No sustain pedal, pitch bend, or Mod wheel  (Read 4336 times)


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    • Steeno Studios
Hello,  I am a Newby to Studio One, and my Keylab controller.  I had a breakthrough this evening getting the transport buttons to function after reading a review and noticing I had to add my controller as a MACKIE and use port 2.

However, I still have no sustain pedal, or use of my MOD Wheel and Pitch Bend.  Is polarity an issue with the Keylab sustain port?  I am using a Yamaha pedal with no polarity switch.  Also I am not able to get MIDI Learn to work on any knob or fader.  I do see fader 1 controlling something in my track.  Anyway I would appreciate some tips to get things running.

I'm still in therapy from being abandoned by CAKEWALK fall of 2018.


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Hi and welcome to Arturia forums.

I have Studio One 3.

At first hand this sounds like a generel Studio One keyboard setup issue.

Have you setup your controller in Studio One?

Can you post an image that show your External Device settings for you controller setup?
Be aware you have not filtered out the functions, you say don't work.


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    • Steeno Studios
I will look again at settings.


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Here is a screen shot of my External device set up in Studio One 4.  I am using a MACKIE as a controller as advised in these forums.  Since I added a Mackie controller my transport functions are working.  I still have no Sustain pedal, Mod wheel, Pitch bend, or MIDI LEARN capabilities.


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The Mackie have nothing to do with this. The Mackie is for DAW functions not Keyboard functions.

The settings i ask for is inside the keyboard setup, and can't be seen in your images.

Have you used the "New Keyboard" setup in Studio One to set up your Keylab MKII and named it Keylab61 yourself? Keylab and Keylab MKII is not the same.
(In Studio One 3 that i have there is'nt any Arturia controllers on the list. But perhaps the old Arturia Keylab is on the list in Studio One 4.)

I attach a Setup window from Studio One 3. Note the filter section. Unless this has changed in Studio One 4, then leave the boxes unchecked. If you have checked them, then you filter out the functions so they can't be used.

I assume you have'nt mapped your controllers Pedal, Modwheel and pitchbend for Control Link. If you have, then please tell.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 07:05:07 pm by LBH »


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    • Steeno Studios
Good News!  I got things working.  I am happy to be functioning, but I did the right things and nothing worked.  I added about 8 different controller scenarios, and reconfigured various settings and all of a sudden VOILA!  So I will never know what was the correct set of events.  Now all the other controller configurations work.  It doesn't make sense, except that this is the technology world we live in.  Expect to be confused.

Thanks for the tips in the forums.  Newbies like myself need help.


Francis Steeno



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Great it's working.

Thanks for the tips in the forums.
Thanks. Your welcome.


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