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Author Topic: Switching between Pattern and Bank  (Read 2675 times)

nad Dim

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Switching between Pattern and Bank
« on: May 16, 2018, 09:53:41 pm »
I bought the Drumbrute recently so I am still a noob, however, I found a technical glitch and I would appreciate some help on this matter.

In bank mode, I have created 4 rhythms which are working great after saving them but later on I tried to create patterns (I can save 16 patterns, correct me if I am wrong). After saving the patterns, I am able to switch between the patterns created but when I enter bank mode, I see that the 4 rhythms I created are gone.

I tried turning off the machine and turning it back on, the 4 bank rhythms I created were back but when I switch to pattern mode, I see that the saved patterns are not playing.

Anyone is facing this issue, I have the latest software update which is:

Please let me know in case anyone else is facing this issue.

I grec

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Re: Switching between Pattern and Bank
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2018, 07:47:38 am »
Hi nad Dim,
I guess you mismatch things. There are 4 banks. Each bank contains 16 patterns.
In bank mode, I have created 4 rhythms
I guess that means you create 4 patterns, each pattern being in a different bank.

After saving the patterns, I am able to switch between the patterns created but when I enter bank mode, I see that the 4 rhythms I created are gone
When you save a pattern, your are within a bank. Depending on the bank, you must be overwriting one a the previous patterns you created while in bank mode.



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