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Author Topic: NEW: Hold issues setting release times in "Normal" mode. + Release button issue.  (Read 5574 times)


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There seems to be a fault setting the "Normal" release fully when Hold is in "Normal" mode.

In VS i can't set my release time when having the pedal down, like possible in the V2 version. In V2 a release time could be set for when the pedal is up, and another one for when the pedal is down.
EDIT: Somehow it works in reversed polarity. A test preset could be "Eeast Piano". EDIT END

In P5 it's not possible to have a short release that get longer when the pedal is down. That was the same in V2, but that have seemed wrong.  It would be nice if you also could set a release for when the pedal is down, and another for when the pedal is up. I guess that's how it's supposed to be. Is'nt it?

EDIT:Also it somtimes seems  like hold is failing. Perhaps something to do with the play modes or sounds. EDIT END


Could the fact that the "Normal" mode affect the release button have something to do with the release issue where release is turned of when loding a project in Studio One? Just a thought.
I noticed that when "Legacy" mode is being turned on, then the "Release" button turns of even if it did'nt have to, or actually should'nt do so.

I don't know is the modes are actually turned around so "Normal" should be "Legacy" and the other way around. The main thing i sthings works. And something is wrong.

« Last Edit: June 30, 2016, 02:04:59 am by LBH »


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When in "Normal" mode the pedal still works in reverse polarity in the new version . It's possible to see the issue in Prophet VS envelope windows.
It should be possible to set a release time when the pedal is down and one when the pedal is up. But it does'nt work. It did work in Prophet V2.


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It should be possible to set a release time when the pedal is down and one when the pedal is up. But it does'nt work. It did work in Prophet V2.

yes, you're absolutely right. i don't know why this VS only feature has been removed when developing the prophet V3 (wasn't born as an Arturian at the time ;D), but for sure i'll investigate with dev team.

Now for the normal vs legacy sustain behavior : this setting only affects sustain behavior for Prophet 5 engine.
Normal mode : pressing your sustain pedal will light up release switch, and will apply the amount of release set in amplifier section.
legacy mode : pressing your sustain pedal will light up hold switch, and therefore will hold your note, but with the amount of sustain set in amplifier section.

So i'll log the bug regarding this missing prophet V2 feature for the VS engine (2 different amount of sustain) and i'll also log the feature request to also have 2 amounts of release available in prophet 5 engine.
But for this feature, i honestly don't know what will be done here, as it will need specifications decisions, risks analysis etc...

anyway, thanks for having reported this, as usual :)
hope my answer was clear, let's discuss it together if not.



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Hi Germain.

So i'll log the bug regarding this missing prophet V2 feature for the VS engine (2 different amount of sustain)
I believe you mean 2 different amounts of release.
And yes this is the bug.

i'll also log the feature request to also have 2 amounts of release available in prophet 5 engine.

I think the original Prophet 5 affect the Release button only. So i think this work like the original now.

In the original Prophet 5 and VS i believe the pedal  hold function is called "Release footswitch".



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yes i was referring to amounts of release, my bad

about the original prophet 5 , yes you indeed had the "release footswitch", which only somehow replaces the release switch on the panel.
on the VS back panel, you had what they call an "alternate release" footswitch, with the ability to set 2 different amounts of release.



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