Hey Guys.
First, please make sure the OSC1 & OSC2 Tune and Fine tune knobs, plus the Global tune knob are being properly set at 12 o'clock.
Once it's done, if the pitch is not tracking regularly over the octaves, you will need to recalibrate the oscillators.
The trimmers on the back of the unit allow to adjust the oscillators slope and offset to make sure that a note played in tune in the lower octave will also be in tune in the higher octave.
To recalibrate your oscillators, here is how to proceed:
1. Turn the unit ON, and let it warm up for 30 to 45 minutes
2. Set the oscillators controls as below:

3. Start by the Oscillator one.
Connect the audio output to a tuner. Increase the Oscillator 1 Square level in the mixer.
Open the VCF.
Open the VCA with the Att 2 > Amp potentiometer.
4. Play a C3 and turn the VR1 / VR3 trimmers to adjust the oscillators offset until you obtain a C3 (±261.6Hz) on the tuner. (Note: C3 = Pad 1 with no transpose)
5. Then play a C2 / C3 / C4 and C5, and turn the VR2 / VR4 trimmers to adjust the slope.
The aim here is to have each C as close as possible from their perfect tuning, which are in Hertz:
C1 (±65.4 Hz)
C2 (±130.8 Hz)
C3 (±261.6 Hz)
C4 (±523,25 Hz)
C5 (±1046,50 Hz)
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the results converge into the best possible pitch tracking over all octaves.
Note: As these are analog oscillators, you will always have a difference of a few cents between the lower and higher octave, but it is part of what makes the analog sound "alive" 
7. Now continue with the Oscillator two to do that:
Lower the Oscillator 1 square level
And turn up the Oscillator 2 level
And repeat the steps 4, 5 and 6 until you get the best result as possible.