Been tinkering with the AL3 for a few days now. The software itself works great for example latency wise and sounds great (that's the main thing, right?

I came across a annoying problem, which I'm not able to solve myself: I want to map a pedal (sostenuto or soft) to the Leslie speed of the B3.
it seems that the sostenuto is among the reserved CCs, so I installed MidiOX and LoopBe1 (a virtual midiport driver) and remapped the sostenuto to another free CC. The remap works perfectly fine, I've tested it with for example sending notes to MidiOX on ch1 and having them inputted to AL3 on ch2 (on virtual midi input port).
The problem is that no matter what CC I try, the midi learn does not see the controller change. It only sees the two knobs of my Roland RD-64, with which it works perfectly. The problem is I want to change the Leslie speed while playing with *both hands* -> have to use pedal.
Is this a known problem? I'm really out of ideas now