in my job sometimes i have to deal with such effects. To the user it is annoying and frustrating because no one can confirm it (… why ME

...), an to the support/developers it is pure hell because they construct test cases, check the code over and over again, und cannot find any clue.
The worst thing i ever had was a complete false date (like 53.14.6798 (dd.mm.yyyy)) in a date- and timecritical application. Only one user of a few thousands, not to reproduce, no problem with the code. It took two weeks to find: it was a problem with a certain version of the OS and the chipset of a rare mainboard.
By the way, just fiddleld around a bit:
- changed the langauge-set to dansk, cannot reproduce the effect. Everything works fine.
- one thing i don't understand: your posting from May 17, 2018, the animated gif: why no banks are shown in the left side? I allways see at least one bank on the left side. And why are patches shown (in the middle), if there seem to be no banks?