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Author Topic: Standardize the frequency course and fine ratio values to original DX7 values  (Read 4631 times)


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Hey Guys

I love the DX7 V, but find the way that values of the frequency ratio course and fine confusing when trying to create patches using material for the original DX7. For example when comparing the Rom1A 26-TUB BELLS operator 2 has frequency ratio values of 2 for course and 75.00 for fine in DX7 V, when compared with the original DX7 which has values of 3 for course and 0.50 for fine. To convert the values from DX7 V back to original values across you need to do the following:

2 x 75.0 = 150
150 x 0.01 = 1.5
2 + 1.5 = 3.50

Would be an easy change to fix the UI to behave like to original?

Thanks again for a great product which brings back so many wonderful memories.


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You can have smaller steps when pressing STRG(PC)/Ctrl(Mac) while changing the value.


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Yes it's true the ratios does'nt act like on the real DX7. The fine tune should only fine tune the range between each harmonic depending on the used harmonic.  But i believe it change an octave between the 0 and 100 value on all harmonics.
Is this a malfunction or intended behavior?
For a true emulation it should work like the original DX7 on this. Otherwise also FM tutorials is wrong for DX7 V.

For a possible formular to calculate the Ratio settings for DX7 V from a DX7 have a look at reply #3 in this thread:
« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 05:07:14 am by LBH »


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An option to set the GUI to DX7 Absolute mode would nice instead of having to conduct all the conversions. 
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