You are entitled to your own view of any company or product, but to urge people to quit buying a product because they did not fix a particular bug that is important to you is a big jump that I am not willing to take as I am sure many others won't either. I am very happy with the product in general and that is good enough for me. The MatrixBrute is an amazing synth regardless, mind you Arturia is new in the hardware synth. You will find bugs in every product you buy, and it sometimes takes a long time to get a fix implemented. If you use computer software you already know this, unless it is open source it will take a very long time to fix.
Good luck to you, I can hear your frustration loud and clear. Enjoy your DSI, or Sequential, (not sure what to call them anymore). I've never owned one any of their products. I've played on a few at the local music store and I find the oscillators on most sound too buzzy or crunchy for my taste.