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Author Topic: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?  (Read 181446 times)


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #345 on: July 04, 2019, 09:15:59 pm »
With your number of followers you could actually influence Arturia to follow through with their commitments Kris.
 Thanks man!


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #346 on: July 04, 2019, 09:37:54 pm »
So this is what's happening!  :o

I told everyone the firmware code wasn't commented!  Now it's being right   ;)
« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 10:08:11 pm by WytchCrypt »

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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #347 on: July 08, 2019, 10:50:32 am »
Sadly, we are not able to deliver the update today.
Even though my colleague is doing his best to deliver this right on time, the firmware update is not ready yet.

Still, things are moving forward, and we are committed to deliver a great update.
Unfortunately, to make things right, more time is required.

Is there any idea of what kind of timescale we are looking at here, are we talking weeks, months, maybe sometime early next year or later this year (etc etc) ?


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #348 on: July 08, 2019, 12:04:54 pm »
Hello everyone

I can't provide a precise date, as many factors can influence the release date.
(Bugs harder to fix than expected, new features workflow fine tuning, test and beta test)

Basically we should start a first round of beta test pretty soon, to test a part of the new features and bugfixes that are already implemented.
Another round of beta will then be necessary to test the rest and make sure the update is pristine before release.

Kind regards

« Last Edit: July 25, 2019, 09:03:41 am by Edouard_Arturia »


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #349 on: July 08, 2019, 01:21:30 pm »
Hello everyone

I can't provide a precise date, as many factors can influence the release date.
(Bugs harder to fix than expected, new features workflow fine tuning, test and beta test)

Basically we should start a first round of beta test pretty soon, to test a part of the new features and bugfixes that are already implemented.
Another round of beta will then be necessary to test the rest and make sure the update is pristine before release.

In case some of you are part of the beta test team, you should receive a mail from Ben soon.
Additionally, in case some of you want to be part of the beta, you can drop me a PM.

Kind regards

The bugfixes workstrand and the new features workstrand should have been separate. People are happy to wait for additional new features, but they do however have a right for the product to work as  described, and if it doesn't, to have its bugs patched quickly. That should have been focussed on as a priority. Years ago.

It never ceases to amaze me how we all as consumers put up with bugs in computers / firmware / operating systems that have cost us hundreds or thousands of dollars to buy, but if we buy a $5 bucket and it leaks water we automatically accept without question it's not fit for purpose and we take it back to the store. This status quo is entirely the result of consumers' collective reluctance to return IT devices when they do not work as described.
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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #350 on: July 09, 2019, 03:51:01 pm »
Hello everyone

I can't provide a precise date, as many factors can influence the release date.
(Bugs harder to fix than expected, new features workflow fine tuning, test and beta test)

Basically we should start a first round of beta test pretty soon, to test a part of the new features and bugfixes that are already implemented.
Another round of beta will then be necessary to test the rest and make sure the update is pristine before release.

In case some of you are part of the beta test team, you should receive a mail from Ben soon.
Additionally, in case some of you want to be part of the beta, you can drop me a PM, Ben is maybe looking for additional/specific profiles and setups.

Kind regards


 Thank you again for the update of where you currently are with the firmware Edouard. It is very much appreciated.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #351 on: July 10, 2019, 01:48:15 pm »
With your number of followers you could actually influence Arturia to follow through with their commitments Kris.
 Thanks man!

Thank you very much.  But I'd never want to use a following as a weapon, or as a means of having a company act accordingly/in a timely manner.  No-one should have to use pressure to have a company keep to their word.  A company not keeping their word is failure enough.

Arturia should want to deliver as good a product as possible not only for company standing, but also for the sake of doing the right thing for their customers.  There's more to life than profit/loss margins - especially for a company pitching oneself as part of a 'community'.   

I post music for free/don't in a legal sense 'owe' anyone anything, as nothing has been purchased - but even at that, I'd never disrespect those who choose to follow me.  There should be mutual respect. 

The mutual respect with Arturia was broken when they failed to live up to their word.  Also in their expecting others to do the job for free - as they still are RE beta testing.  But I feel that way RE all companies who choose to view their purchasers as free, unpaid testers. 

Why is a paying customer being asked to give up their free time to tell a company what is wrong with their product?

If I purchased a car and the car company asked me if I'd let them know RE issues - and also test out those issues for them - you can bet I'd be at the office the following day.

(PS I am aware others feel differently RE this issue and 'want to contribute to the community'.  I say great - if there actually is a community, rather than free labour that, if under contractual terms, would break present laws RE modern slavery). 

Even when this is all fixed, Arturia should still give an explanation as to why this took so long.  I'm not purchasing another item from them if they don't give an explanation, as I don't want to have the same problems.     

PS Edouard - you could give a precise date - it is called 'good management/resource planning'.  You and Arturia have had over 2 years to figure this out.

Arturia - this is a matter of trust.  I'll trust you again if you acknowledge that these issues could have been handled far more efficiently/effectively.  If you as a company provide the bug fixes due to having invested in fixing the problems, and, most importantly - acknowledge the patience of your customers despite your own failure to live up to your word (from Frederic's words on YouTube, through to your recent failure to meet your spring firmware release date), I'll trust you again, and will very openly congratulate you for respecting your customers by acting accordingly.

At the moment I'm still posting content on the MB - but if asked RE the instrument, I'm advising people to read threads such as this RE your promises - as you have went back on this word a number of times. 

Great instrument - yes, no doubt. 

The problem with the MB is Arturia.

I'm more than happy to move on without ever mentioning this again if you acknowledge the whole issue could - and should - have been handled better (I actually want success for Arturia).  But if you disrespect your customers, I'll reciprocate.

PS this isn't personal - I had the same issue with Moog RE the One i.e a very, very buggy release.  The difference here is that Amos very quickly acted on concerns customers had (as in 'within the same week').  All power to Moog for realizing the issue needed very quick action in order to maintain reputation.  Moog have my trust, as they kept to their word/dealt with issues efficiently and effectively.  They have also demonstrated that company size doesn't make a difference RE resource allocation: if there's a major problem, it gets dealt with as a matter of priority.   

You don't have my trust as you are still being evasive RE delivery date/still haven't delivered.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 01:50:31 pm by KrisL »


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #352 on: July 16, 2019, 04:00:30 pm »
I just don't get it. Its a mono synth not a Mars probe.
Sorry but we are being duped by Arturia. Simple as that. Again no time frame.

How many Matrix Brute owners have died so far waiting for this?


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #353 on: July 18, 2019, 07:45:08 am »
Looking forward with anticipation (and a little trepidation) to the update. Hopefully its done right.
Definitely not having a hernia while waiting as the synth does a lot and the few small bugs that affect my workflow definitely haven't affected its's music output, though I sequence the Matrixbrute externally. Main other issue that annoys me is the Audio Mod Noise-VCO1 knob that sometimes acts weirdly carrying across the centre point if moved quickly from VCF1.

If only I had time would jump on the Beta program. Hopefully everyone who is feeling fired up gets in on that as this would be the obvious way to see a goals kicked and games won.

edit: Should note, I have been using Elektron stuff for years, so am used to late firmware deliveries, but when they come they often happily surprise. Hoping for some of the same from Arturia.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 07:55:04 am by Oz1 »


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #354 on: July 18, 2019, 02:21:28 pm »
...Main other issue that annoys me is the Audio Mod Noise-VCO1 knob that sometimes acts weirdly carrying across the centre point if moved quickly from VCF1.
That's is a registered bug which will surely be fixed in the update.

In the mean time, there's a simple workaround:
Bug: For "VCO1 < Noise > VCF1", VCF 1 is being modulated instead of VCO 1 when you go to the left of the detent, then exactly to the detent, then to the left of the detent again.
Workaround: This can be cancelled by going once to the right of the detent, then to the left of the detent (now VCO 1 is being modulated as it should be).


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #355 on: July 19, 2019, 06:57:02 am »
...when you go to the left of the detent, then exactly to the detent, then to the left of the detent again ... This can be cancelled by going once to the right of the detent, then to the left of the detent...

Sounds like a combination lock sequence, that will open up some hidden Easter egg feature. ::)


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #356 on: July 20, 2019, 02:00:29 pm »
Sounds like a combination lock sequence, that will open up some hidden Easter egg feature. ::)

A small hatch will open up, and inside there's a golden synthesist's cape ;D

The workaround isn't hard though - just single move to the right of the detent and the left side works.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #357 on: August 09, 2019, 09:49:20 am »
Anyway back on topic. So now into August and Arturia must have a better idea of when they will deliver this firmware?

There is no reasonable excuse as to why this is taking so long.

Anybody know how long it actually has been? Since the last firmware?


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #358 on: August 09, 2019, 12:51:24 pm »
  March 24th, 2017 with much fanfare. This release fixed a lot of bugs and increased the synths abilities significantly. I'm hoping with the next release we have an even more impressive upgrade.


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Re: Arturia team, can you please make a statement on a possible update?
« Reply #359 on: August 09, 2019, 09:30:05 pm »
Is this where we turn on the song by Simon and Garfunkel- “the sounds of SILENCE” ?  Honestly - I am just praying this gets done this year. I really really hope so!


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