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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Keylab aftertouch is lagging by half a second! Is this not an issue for anyone?  (Read 3126 times)


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  • Paul Schilling
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When I play a note and try to apply aftertouch right after playing the note, it doesn't do it. Only after about half a second the aftertouch comes in.

I have tried this with various software and hardware synths, always with the same result. I have tried USB as well as MIDI connection. So the issue is not with the synth or the connection. It is definitely coming from the KeyLab 61.

I really hope this is not part of the design and that it can be changed somehow? To me this makes the aftertouch nearly useless.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2018, 04:08:48 am by hermitnerd »


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Yes I have the same problem, I can confirm this happens on Keylab61.  In principle, I think the delay is a good idea to ignore accidental aftertouch on the initial key press, but the delay is too slow.
Bizarrely, there is no such delay on keylab 88 which would suggest it is a firmware 'feature'



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