Hello anyone
I am writing you as I have seen
Analog Experience THE PLAYER 25 (possibly model of 2010?) in one of the cash-convertor or I would rather say second-hand shops in the Czech republic.
The product itself looked as can be viewed in the following picture below:

Now, as I do understand, this product was originally released in 2010 according
https://www.arturia.com/company/press/press-releases/arturiaannouncesanalogexperienceseries:theplayer%E2%80%93thefactory%E2%80%93thelaboratory article on your website and the latest software update is from 2014.
What I am basically asking for is what is included in the EU package? The reason why I am asking this is that the original package should include AC adapter, MIDI to PC cable? as well as specific software with 1000 samples.
If you could state what was originally included in the package or at least give me a hint if I can find the specific software somewhere on the website I would be grateful.
Many Thanks,
With Regards