February 16, 2025, 03:49:21 am
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Arturia Forums

Author Topic: Set Midi Drum Map to NO note | Last Step Row lit | Negative Randomness / Swing  (Read 3603 times)


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Midi Drum Map NO note:
All pads don't need to send midi notes every time: How about the ability to set the midi note to "-", which would mean that the pad does not send midi notes (changed in MIDI Control Center, The Drum Map settings). Reason: It would be easier to work with samplers, they would get clock via midi and we could select which pads trigger samples but maintain the ability to use the samplers internal sequencer for other sounds.

Last Step Row lit:
How about when the "Last Step" is pressed all of the steps from 1 to the "Last Step" would be lit in blue? Reason: It's hard to spot the step a pattern in shortened to when working live.

Negative Randomness:
How about the ability to use the "Randomness" function to reduce the possibility that a note is triggered? -99 could be the negative random maximum. Swing could have a global negative value too.

Thank you so far. It's a great device!


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